La forêt de l’Aigoual


From Cabrillac, you take the grande draille d'Aubrac (Aubrac drovers’ road) to Le Plo de la Couaille, where you have the option (an additional 2 hrs, on the GR60) to reach the summit of Mont Aigoual and enjoy the stunning views (on a clear day). This hike with its crooked trees is full of charm. On the way, you may surprise a fox or a wild sow with its young. The forest, though planted, seems wild!

Make sure your equipment is appropriate for the day’s weather conditions. Remember that the weather changes quickly in the mountains. Take enough water, wear sturdy shoes and put on a hat. Please close all gates and barriers behind you.

Technical information


Yellow PR

11,7268 km


Dénivelé Positif554 m

Dénivelé Négatif553 m

Altitude Max1167 m

Altitude Min1512 m

Hiking Form

GPX plot



Making contact

+33 4 66 45 01 14

Contact by email